Our Blog

Read our blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the Spiti Valley and updates on the progress of The Spiti Projects.

Eye Injury

Last winter, in February, the day before I was due to leave Spiti and travel to Shimla, on the first…
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Spiti children in knitted jumpers

Knit for Spiti

A lady called Janet came with me on a couple of my Spiti visits. While sitting in the jeep during…
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Animals in Spring

In the spring, usually in April when the snow has melted and the new shoots of grass appear on the…
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The Yak & Zho

This animal is essential to all households for providing a means of farming for those living in this mountainous region.…
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Spiti’s Traditional Lingti Shawl

When I first came to the valley in the early 1990’s, festivals were a time to dress up, put on…
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The Donkey

Every family has a donkey, an invaluable part to the well-being of the family. Some farmers used keep 10 to…
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Our charity is committed to environmental and conservation issues and to helping improve the health, hygiene and general wellbeing of the people of the Spiti Valley.
64 Cardross Street, London, W6 0DR
info@spiti.org +44 (0)7721 066 761


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