Our Blog

Read our blog to keep up to date with the latest news in the Spiti Valley and updates on the progress of The Spiti Projects.

Spiti Projects wins Green Building Solution Award 2016 in the Low Carbon category

We are so very pleased to announce that we are the winners of a United Nations Climate Change Award. Only…
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Spiti Projects Newsletter 2015

Our Spiti Projects 2015 Newsletter is here!
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Audience with the Dalai Lama

In May this year, Zena the photographer and I went to Dharamsala to interview the Dalai Lama about the culture…
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Grand Opening of the Community Centre

The Grand Opening was prompt at 10.30am, we were fortunate to have the presence of three monks from Kaza monastery…
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Community Centre Foundations – Update April 2015

Spiti Projects has taken particular care with all their buildings, bearing in mind the importance of a stable structure in…
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Spiti Projects Newsletter 2014

Our Spiti Projects 2014 Newsletter is here!
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Our charity is committed to environmental and conservation issues and to helping improve the health, hygiene and general wellbeing of the people of the Spiti Valley.
64 Cardross Street, London, W6 0DR
info@spiti.org +44 (0)7721 066 761


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